The Brazilian media has been targeting the Angel for being too fat since last summer, despite the fact that, until not long, it was the same media that was accusing the fashion industry of promoting an image that was anything but healthy for young girls. During the Sao Paolo Fashion Week, Karolina was photographed by model photographer with what resembled traces of cellulite on her legs, as well as with ?love handles.?
Talk of the first Victoria?s Secret ?fat model? gained even more momentum during the VC November presentation, when, of course, Karolina appeared just as plump as in Sao Paolo. Several sources in the media claim that even her appearance there was in peril because of her weight, as the organizers decided to introduce her only in the last minute, as a bid to get the media off their back with the eating disorders and size 0 talk. This would also explain why Karolina?s name was not included in any of the promo materials that aired before the show.
However, Fox News is now reporting that Karolina?s weight problems might actually be not her own doing, as she could be suffering of a thyroid condition known as hypothyroidism and that affects the metabolism. It could be this condition that has prevented the bikini model from losing weight, despite a strict diet, from which she has eliminated all carbs for more than a year, and an even stricter workout regime that fails to return the desired results.
?She was exhausted and didn?t get down to where she wanted to be.? One source told Fox about Karolina?s failed attempts at losing the weight. If that be the case, and hers is a thyroid issue, then she comes to join other 27 million Americans diagnosed with the same condition.
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